Yahoo! Buzz is open for everybody

It’s been about six months since Yahoo Buzz launched and now Yahoo has decided to “open-up” Buzz. The Yahoo Buzz is similar to Digg, in which users can vote popular Internet news stories up and down.

When a story got so much buzz, it will be reached the Yahoo! homepage! This is good news for publishers because those who have already experienced a “Yahoo! Buzz Effect” have talked about the surge in traffic they experienced once Yahoo placed an article on their homepage.

* Salon got so excited when they had 1 million unique visitors a day, the most ever to the 12 year old site.

* US Magazine was linked from Yahoo on February 27, and had the second highest traffic day ever. 32% of visits that day came from the Yahoo home page.

* Huffington Post reported 800,000 unique visitors from a Yahoo-linked story

* Smoking Gun,, Dallas Morning News and Imaginova all reported significant traffic increases after links from the Yahoo home page.

* Sugar, Inc. sites have had nearly 1.8 million unique visitors sent from five different Buzz stories on the Yahoo home page 

Content that people can Buzz up! include stories, photos, and video. You just have to look for sites that include the Buzz Up button or submit the stories here once it goes live in a few hours.